The Ultimate Diabetes Beauty Guide

WiseHealth for Women Radio with Linda Kreter presents:

The Ultimate Diabetes Beauty Guide

Jackie Silver
Guest Jackie Silver is an accomplished lifestyle, beauty, and anti-aging expert with frequent television, radio, and columnist and now an author of “The Ultimate Diabetes Beauty Guide”. More than 100 million adults in the United States are now living with diabetes or pre-diabetes and the startling physical changes you may experience with a diagnosis include more than the initial emphasis on exercise and nutrition.

With diabetes, additional care is needed to avert dry skin, skin infections, and diabetic hair loss. Being mindful of your makeup expiration dates, and replacing mascara every three months are simple, but essential facts. Weight may fluctuate as diabetes is controlled and there are simple ways to dress well and look your best through these transitions. Get your guide here:

Download the show here, or click below to listen live. Also on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and other outlets.  Air date, 21Nov2017.

Helping Women Thrive

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