Linda Kreter and WiseHealth for Women Radio presents:
Surgeon Diana Ponsky MD – How to Win in Life Despite Wrong Labels –

Wrong labels: Asian, woman, immigrant, successful, proud American. Grit and determination with a positive perspective moved her forward. Learning to speak English, finding she was very smart in school, and having a mindset of achievement, Diana overcame the challenges and excelled. This is a story of survival and strength – Diana is the ultimate high achiever and esteemed professional.
In her medical training, as an aspiring plastic surgeon, she worked at the Washington DC VA Medical Center, repairing, and restoring Veterans faces and functionality, learning how our outside “reads” to those around us. She educates, humanizes injuries, and now does the same for those who come to her for self-confidence and improvement. Our mental health is affected by our physical appearance and even bearing. Enjoy meeting Diana and find out more here:
More information may be found here:
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