Linda Kreter and WiseHealth for Women Radio presents:
Bio-Identical/Natural Hormone Therapy with Ricky Brandon –

Linda Kreter and WiseHealth for Women Radio speaks with Ricky Brandon, founder of Hormone Balance Centers about natural hormone replacement to address balancing these vital components of health. Both men and women benefit from hormone balancing, and support with both physical and mental health issues. When traditional approaches weren’t working in his own family, he and his wife, Candy, a molecular biologist, started their Centers.
Many sub-topics are discussed in this episode, including what brings men and women to their clinics, what does hormone optimization look and feel like? What does hormone imbalance and sleep, mood, energy, fatigue, and other conditions “look like”? Hormones are very powerful in the body and learning more, educating yourself, and researching key ways to improve your quality of life is well worth your time.
Get lab tested. Look for practitioners who take the time to educate you on what is “normal for your age” versus optimized, and advocate for your health and that of family members. This is individualized care, and download the free ebook to learn more:
For more information about Ricky’s clinics, go to and their free e-book download at
Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also, on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and other outlets. Air date 12Sep2022.