WiseHealth for Women Radio and Linda Kreter Presents:
The Courts: Child Sexual Abuse
“Prosecuted But Not Silenced” –

Mother, guest, and author Maralee McLean speaks compellingly on her family’s journey through hell, and how the unthinkable can occur. Maralee’s book “Prosecuted But Not Silenced” recounts the stories she and other women have lived when their significant other is sexually abusing their child — and the courts turn a blind eye. Testifying on the Hill to Congress was a day she will never forget — and neither will you.

This story is hard. The safety of her daughter, sexual abuse physical and emotional proof by physicians and psychologists ignored, Maralee spent eight years separated from her child (taken into foster care) after her husband continued to sexually abuse her in visitations. Family law is unable to manage many of these cases, and poorly trained attorneys for the child (Guardian ad litem or GAL’s), and judges are influenced by their desire to “maintain 50/50 custody”, even in cases that would be better handled in criminal court.
Click here for her book. Click here to listen to the show http://bit.ly/WHR-ProsecutedNotSilenced, or click below to listen live. Also on iTunes, Stitcher, and other outlets. Air date 30Aug2018.